Nature Sense

To make an enquiry or book a complimentary consultation just Jump to the Contact Page.  ✏️

At the core of Nature Sense is the use of Nature Therapy or Health Coaching in the reduction of anxiety, stress and overwhelm. It’s is a gentle, yet deeply effective therapeutic modality.

Increasingly Nature Sense programmes are being undertaken as a remedy to modern living; balancing an over immersion in technology, screen time or social media.  Forest Bathing is a favourite for private groups, families and business.  These are bespoke for your group . 

Our  In Real Life Only outdoor training for Coaches and Therapists is always a Huge Success.  Last year all dates and again in our most recent April and May events – we were sold out  but way more importantly we had truly, such a great time.   Remaining  2024 Dates – 14th:  September .  

Nature’s regenerative powers have proven to be beneficial in broader areas from ADHD, loneliness and erosion of self confidence amongst so many other modern dis-ease.  We do special Walk and Talk sessions to accommodate this.  

Nature Sense is an effective balance to the fast pace of city demands and our London living. It is about  optimising your living – the original natural biohack. Nature Sense is preventative health for the body and mind.

Going outside to heal inside

Getting outside in London

Nature Therapy is defined as “the prescriptive, evidence-based use of natural settings and nature-based interventions”.

Nature Sense is about Optimal Living in a modern world. Recognising our urban life has changed us, but understanding by not loosing sight of our ancestral wisdom we can balance our fast paced lives.  It’s about harmony and a healthy homeostasis.  It’s about balancing the Stress and bringing you Relaxation and Peace.  Unravelling problems naturally or just enjoying the great outside.

Going outside to heal inside

Nature Sense Training courses London for therapists and coaches
Nature Sense morning in central London

How can you do Nature Sense in a big city?  

London is one of the Greenest cities in the world!

Forty percent of the capitals surface area has public green spaces, covering thirty-five thousand acres of gardens, public parks and woodlands. Not only making it one of the best places in the world to visit but to live and work in too.

All these green spaces also encouraging people to be much more active, therefore, more healthy which if we used them more would result in reduced costs to the NHS!

Let’s get outside to heal inside.  

Blogs at a Glance

  • nature Therapy for healing trauma
    EMDR’s roots are originally based in Nature. First what is EMDR?  It stands for Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing and by reputation known as a proven, effective therapy for trauma. Originating
  • naturesense supplementation
    The wisdom of our ancestors certainly is an important measure to optimising our biology but there’s nothing wrong with taking a closer look at how they lived to see what
  • ancestral living nature sense spain and london
    We’re mammals that lived 90% of our life outdoors.  Now we’re over 90% indoors, “So what!”  we shout from our Alexa managed, central heating life, while drinking a diet soda
  • CBD therapy in London.
    As a specialist in Anxiety Solutions I am increasingly being asked both professionally and by friends just ‘What is CBD’? We’re hearing so much about CBD these days, people talking
  • turmeric curcumin nature sense
    Nature Sense is not just about being out in nature it’s also about an ancestral rediscovery of it’s gold  .. How better than to take a close up look at
  • Fountain of Youth Tibetan Rites
    Ancestral or ancient movement practices such as the daily Tibetan Rites have been passed down from exactly where and from whom we don’t know.  Just as the pyramids don’t entirely
  • Mmmmm it’s like that smell transports us. With winter getting closer, the parks are getting their last manicure until Spring.  So let’s get under the hood of that lawnmower! How
  • Seasonal affective disorder nature Sense
    .. or are you more a bear? Understanding SAD:  Seasonal Affective Disorder. With the nights getting longer, some of us are truly affected. Understanding that this is just our inner
  • Here’s some of the QUESTIONS that people ask me in my practice? Why don’t I have FOMO but JOMO? I’m anxious but I just don’t know why. I’m so tired
  • lets get healthy
    A Historical Look at Health :  What can we learn from Paleo Times? People are always surprised to hear that we as a species are not at our peak!  We
  • Going outside is good for you
    Time outdoors can do wonders for our mental health, but we often neglect to fit it into our day. Green therapy helps us to feel connected and embrace uncertainty, says
  • Are you an Active Couch Potato? Living a modern life for many means we’re spending increasing periods of time sitting.  Since 1960 the number of jobs that involves sedentary activity
  • Nature sense - medical perspective
    Nature therapy is an, evidence-based field in medicine. It is defined as “the prescriptive, evidence-based use of natural settings and nature-based interventions”. Simply put, it’s about using nature to help
  • The groundbreaking benefits behind your barefoot summer Ah, summer—the season of barbecues, long weekends and holidays. A time of year when many of us just like to kick off our
  • The future is here: self-driving cars, virtual assistants, and groundbreaking medical technologies—along with stubbornly high and growing rates of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, autoimmune disorders, allergies, asthma …   We’re
  • walk and talk london therapy nature
    Going outside is a proven feel good. Uncomplicated and forgiving. What is Walking Therapy?  It’s therapy outside.  I often sit with my clients on a big tree trunk, shaded by
  • naturesense reading list for nature therapy and forest therapy
    This is an ever expanding list.   Please do send me your favourite suggestions   Book Worm in the House Richard Louv Last Child in the Woods Vitamin N: The