Social Prescribing

Opinions on Social Prescribing

Quoting Major UK Government and Charitable Bodies 

NatureSense supports the social prescribing agenda in that a person can be referred to or can self refer to undertake a programme or just one session with us.  Nature Sense has both expertise and time to support Wellbeing.

“Social Prescribing is a means of enabling GPs and other frontline healthcare professionals to refer patients to a link worker – to provide them with a face to face conversation during which they can learn about the possibilities and design their own personalised solutions, i.e. ‘co-produce’ their ‘social prescription’- so that people with social, emotional or practical needs are empowered to find solutions which will improve their health and wellbeing”.

Social Prescribing Network

Social prescribing enables GPs, nurses and other primary care professionals to refer people to a range of local, non-clinical services.

Social prescribing is a key component of the NHS’s  Universal Personalised Care. It is a way for local agencies to refer people to a link worker. Link workers give people time, focusing on ‘what matters to them’ and taking a holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing.

It also aims to support individuals to take greater control of their own health. Self-referral is also encouraged.

NHS England

There is emerging evidence that social prescribing can lead to a range of positive health and well-being outcomes. Studies have pointed to improvements in areas such as quality of life and emotional wellbeing, mental and general wellbeing, and levels of depression and anxiety. For example, a study into a social prescribing project in Bristol found improvements in anxiety levels and in feelings about general health and quality of life. In general, social prescribing schemes appear to result in high levels of satisfaction from participants, primary care professionals and commissioners.

The King’s Fund

Socioeconomic factors have consistently been found to have a greater impact on health than healthcare.  Non-medical interventions are increasingly being proposed to address wider determinants of health and to help patients improve health behaviours and better manage their conditions.  This is known as social prescribing.


Everyone needs a bit of help from time to time. Social prescribing is a way of helping you deal with the things in your life that can make you feel unhappy or anxious. Addressing these things takes a little extra time and support. So rather than giving you a prescription for a medicine, social prescribing can help you to access a wide range of activities and support in your local community that can help you turn things around.
