Getting outside in London

Nature Therapy is defined as “the prescriptive, evidence-based use of natural settings and nature-based interventions”.

Nature Sense is about Optimal Living in a modern world. Recognising our urban life has changed us, but understanding by not loosing sight of our ancestral wisdom we can balance our fast paced lives.  It’s about harmony and a healthy homeostasis.  It’s about balancing the Stress and bringing you Relaxation and Peace.  Unravelling problems naturally or just enjoying the great outside.

Going outside to heal inside
Nature Sense Training courses London for therapists and coaches
Nature Sense morning in central London

How can you do Nature Sense in a big city?  

London is one of the Greenest cities in the world!

Forty percent of the capitals surface area has public green spaces, covering thirty-five thousand acres of gardens, public parks and woodlands. Not only making it one of the best places in the world to visit but to live and work in too.

All these green spaces also encouraging people to be much more active, therefore, more healthy which if we used them more would result in reduced costs to the NHS!

Let’s get outside to heal inside.  

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